
Every once in awhile I draw a blank on what to write about. This post was one of those times. However, after some brainstorming I began to think a lot about the things that get people into trouble. We sometimes call these bad habits or addictions. We are creatures of habit guided off mostly subconscious feelings and thoughts. Sometimes, these feelings and thoughts can be detrimental to our bodies. Working through these thoughts and overcoming them requires work. However, if we decide that change is too difficult, or we’d just rather stay where we are presently, then the subconscious beliefs remain in tact. This can be a problem when we are prone to choose habits that are unhealthy and bring our entire being into negative vibration. Things like eating foods loaded with sugar, or drinking alcohol every night break down our body and lead to disease. When someone falls into this situation, they are often unable to pull themselves out of the hole. They need help. Not only do they need psychological help, they also need a physical reset. The best way we know how to take stress off the body and bring it to a state of ease and peace is through chiropractic care. Without it, there could be relief, but there is a strong possibility there’ll still be remnants of stress stored in the nervous system. The only way to truly get rid of stress like this is through correct eating, thinking, movement, and adjustments. Once this has been done, the body has the ability to recover and reach a point of optimal function. Anyone suffering from...

Pregnancy and Chiropractic

Pregnancy and Chiropractic? Have you been pregnant, or known someone who was? Did they receive chiropractic care while carrying the baby? Yeah, that’s a typical answer. In fact, most people respond that way. See, the truth is, that most people are unaware of the benefits chiropractic can offer a pregnant woman. Let’s start with this, carrying an extra 35lbs gets heavy and taxing on the body. Joints don’t work as well under such weight. Chiropractic adjustments help to free up the restricted joint, or area, and give some relief to the mom-to-be. But it’s not just that…chiropractic adjustments also help nerve signals get through more properly and allow the baby to receive as much health and nutrition from the mom as possible. Also, when it’s time for the baby to come out, the pelvis needs to be as open as possible. This helps the baby move through the birth canal easily. Chiropractors excel in adjusting the hip and pelvis areas to allow for the greatest amount of space and room for the baby. So, the next time you hear someone you know is pregnant, mention chiropractic care. They may be suffering with discomfort or just hoping to have the healthiest delivery possible. Chiropractic can help. Stay healthy...


It’s been raining here in San Diego for over 24-hours. Plus, it has been pouring just about every other day for the past month. Due to the increased and over-due moisture we’ve seen the past few weeks, the drought in California has almost completely been lifted. That’s great news for our farmers and crops. Planting crops is very similar to planting good thoughts in our minds. Positive thoughts are the key to a healthy body. Negative thoughts lead to, and create the stress response, which breaks and tears down our bodies. We can’t simply think a positive thought and expect our lives to change, however. Instead, it takes time, and requires more positive thinking or nurturing. Without the time and effort put into growing the positive thoughts, we won’t see it manifest in our bodies as good health. Instead, we will simply go around in circles, thinking a few positive thoughts and starting to produce a healthy mind, only to ruin any growth and head back in the negative direction. Farming and growing crops is no different than producing health in our bodies. We can learn a lot from watching farmers and the tenderness and care it requires to produce healthy plants. We simply need to exercise the same amount love with our own mind and bodies. Be kind to yourselves and get started on a better you! Stay healthy...

How’s Your Sleep

The importance of sleep can’t be overstated. Yet, most Americans don’t get enough of it. With the average adult getting about 5.5 hours of sleep compared to the recommended 7 hours, there’s no secret that we need to do better when it comes to recharging our battery. Speaking of recharging a battery, that’s exactly what we do when we sleep. Our adrenal glands are like little battery packs that help power quite a few activities that happen in our bodies. If they aren’t recharged periodically then our immune system gets suppressed, our energy dips, and we become irritable. One of the best ways to recharge these batteries is through sleep. There are other ways to take some stress and pressure off the adrenals, the main opportunity coming through regular chiropractic care. When you get adjusted, the overall stress in the body and nervous system decreases and helps the adrenal glands function better. Stay adjusted...

Offense or Defense

There was a great talk given by Gary Vee the other day. He brought up a really good point about his mindset which applies very well to life, specifically health. Gary never played defense growing up. He hated it, despised it. Now, with his business, he also refuses to play defense. Why strain yourself trying to predict what the competition is going to do or how they’re going to react? Why not just score more and beat them that way? A good example of this is the Golden State Warriors who consistently outscore their opponents on a nightly basis, while putting only a small amount of effort into defense. That idea can be transferred to our health as well. It’s the idea of being reactive and on defense about your health, versus being proactive and on offense. Being reactive is you waiting to see what your body does, what disease am I going to get? What problem is going to happen? Instead of approaching it by eating, moving, and thinking as well as you can, all the time. Why waste you life and health on defense? Play offense more and reap the rewards. For the next 30 days try playing offense at top speed and let us know at the end of the month how much better you’re feeling! Stay healthy my...

New Year, New You

Welcome to 2017! If 2016 wasn’t your favorite year or left a little to be desired, don’t worry, you’re not alone. However, nothing is keeping 2017 from being your best year yet! Let’s take some time to discuss New Year’s Resolutions. They’re extremely common and the popular choice is to usually go with something health related. The trouble with New Years Resolutions is that very few of them actually resolve anything. Instead, they burn brightly for a few days, even weeks, and then burn out in a flash. In the end, nothing is really gained from the experience. Well, this year can be different. Most resolutions fail because they’re set up that way. They are huge endeavors, instead of small chewable bites. We can make a huge positive change in our health by simply shifting it a few degrees. Over time this approach pays huge dividends. So, for this new year, why not focus on some small steps that you can take towards a better, healthier you. Instead of playing for the short run, play for the long-term. This is the only way health happens, small steps with consistent effort, every day. Stay Healthy...